Refusing to resolve the question Copyright James Stamler (public domain) At some time in the deepest part of my sleep I wake to the mattress movements of A getting into bed beside me. I'm aware of a slow crackling sound from somewhere on his side of the bed, accelerating rapidly as I listen. He throws an arm into the air with a shout, 'Ahhhgh' and swats whatever is making the sound to the floor. 'What was that?!' 'Ghhhh.' I can feel in my stomach the fear of the worst (fire) and the hunger to know, which I would usually immediately satisfy in whatever way possible. But A's complacent return to sleep-breathing suggests that we aren't in immediate danger. As I am in a year of letting go I see the situation as a relatively easy opportunity not to resolve my question too quickly. I will refuse to satisfy my mind, and see what happens. I'm one of those people who has to have a reason for everything. If I can't find a real one I...