Terror-tinted glasses

https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/aucklandmuseum_collections/51371483677 There was a busy woman in a group of my students a few years ago who kept trying to solve problems for me. She wanted to shake up the organisation to bring more students to my class, provide better tea, find better links to illustrate my talks. Which was very kind of her but I didn't in fact see these as problems that needed to be solved. She was focussing so much on not being selfish, that she saw it where it wasn't and missed out on learning the very thing she was there to learn. When I was a student I had a memorable training post in West London where I shared the Paediatrics on call with another student. She was a serious young woman with the leanness of a long-distance runner, who knew she wasn't good with children and wanted all the experience she could get. So when the pager went off in the night she literally ran the five hundred yards from the on call r...