The Limping Shrink Rule 4: Your solution to life's problems isn't necessarily the best solution for everyone else (or even for you)

When you have finally discovered a way to solve your own problems, it's tempting to believe that everyone else only has to do the same and they will feel as sorted as you. This is a common human fallacy, and especially when people first get into a new model of looking at things it is pretty normal. We go around thinking that it's useful to see everything through the filter of our new psychotherapy specs, or Marxism specs, or exercise is good for you specs, and it can take a long time, sometimes a lifetime, for us to see that, after all, there are areas where this new idea works, and others where it isn't so relevant or useful (although it may well be entertaining). Things you should stop doing today (because everyone in the world is overdoing them as much as I used to). Why you should take up yoga immediately (Don't you just love this 'immediately')? How a gratitude journal will change your life (I'm so grateful for this one). Why you should delete all ...