The human condition

From Have we forgotten that we are naturally beautiful too? I'm laughing at myself for the grand title. What useful thing can I say about the human condition in one blog post? It goes something like this: We are born, develop physically, blossom, wither and die like plants do. Life is short. Much too short to be going round in neurotic circles. A tree isn't neurotic. It doesn't set it's own rules. It just is, a tree doing what trees do - growing in any way it can, drawing in water and sunlight, dropping seeds, being chopped down or dying of old age. There is life in it. But no mind, and I don't think trees have feelings. Our feelings make us comfortable or uncomfortable. And our minds tell us stories as to why. But underneath all that we are like trees in that we humans are animals who eat and sleep, have sex and children, get ill and die. It's quite simple really. Much simpler than we usually think. We think ...